About Us

und die Welt des Tanzes


Professional craftsmanship & over 20 years of experience

Wladislaw completed an apprenticeship as a tailor in his youth and throughout his entire dance career he designed and tailored all outfits for himself and his partner independently. Over time, this led to such great demand that the tailoring studio had to be expanded and expanded after a very short time.

From our past dance careers, we both brought with us the perfect feel for high-quality, comfortable and trendy dancewear. Coupled with our passion for fashion, we give our creations a very special, individual signature.


Neue Trends und stetige Weiterentwicklung

Wir lieben es, neue Trends in der Tanzszene zu setzen. Nationale und internationale Turniere bereisen wir, um nicht nur unsere Spitzen-Paare zu unterstützen, sondern auch das Geschehen zu beobachten. Bei der Fashion Week tanken wir neue Inspirationen und setzen diese gekonnt in der Tanzwelt in Szene.

We, Dascha & Wladislaw Lalafarjan, as founders, managing directors and former professional dancers, stand behind Lalafarjan - the made-to-measure studio - full of passion and zest for action.

Our team: Highly qualified & professional specialists

Together with our team, consisting of highly qualified designers, cutters and tailors, we delight every dancer's heart with full dedication.
We manufacture with the latest technologies and the highest requirements. Each custom-made product brings with it outstanding quality features, as each individual project deserves the utmost attention from us.


Spitzen-Paare werden von Lalafarjan ausgestattet

Unsere Arbeit überzeugt die Profis der Tanzszene.
Erstklassige Spitzen-Paare setzen auf die Turnierbekleidung von Lalafarjan. Diese Zusammenarbeiten ermöglichen uns die stetige Weiterentwicklung und Perfektion unserer Outfits.

Individuality is very important to us

We love the individuality behind our activities, because we have made it our mission to give every dancer an indescribable feeling on the dance floor.
We find and work out the individual style of each dancing personality and respond to all wishes and ideas in a well-founded manner.

Our custom-made products are as unique as every dancing couple...

We look forward to enriching you with our outfits,

Yours, Dasha & Vladi Lalafaryan